Only the Locals Know about This Hike! Arcs de Castell de Castells Circular Trail | Natural Rock Arches

Le 3 septembre 2023 à 12h53

Only the Locals Know about This Hike ! Arcs de Castell de Castells Circular Trail | Natural Rock Arches

You can watch the full video here :

Today we will be doing a hike in the Marina Alta region in Alicante - The Arcs of Castell de Castells. It is located on the north side of the Xorta Mountain Range where we hiked previously when we did a climb to Peña de Castellet mountain from Guadalest. We are in love with this green and scenic area and so today we will explore the natural monument - rock arches that is a highlight of this trail and walk through the landscapes of great beauty and environmental value. It is going to be a trail of an easy difficulty, 8km long that should take us 2 to 3 hours to do.

What local hikes you can recommend in your area ?


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